An Everyday Hero is someone who goes out of their way to make a difference in the Twin Cities. Whether it’s a person who volunteers at a food bank, coaches little league, visits nursing homes, keeps a local park clean, or someone who stepped up and helped an injured person in need. At Sun Country we know that Everyday Heroes don’t look for recognition from their local community, but we still want to honor them. Sun Country Everyday Heroes is a program designed to recognize and honor people in our communities who go above and beyond to help others out in times of need, often with little or no recognition.
Sun Country will recognize a new Everyday Hero each month by awarding them with a Sun Country Airlines travel voucher valued at $500, redeemable for Sun Country Airlines flights or vacation packages. Each Everyday Hero story will be highlighted by Dez and Ryan from the KS95 Morning Show, 5 Eyewitness News Morning News and Twin Cities Live (KSTP-TV, Weekdays 3-430p)!
You’re encouraged to nominate a friend, fellow employee, relative or someone you recognize in the community who you believe is an Everyday Hero. Simply fill in the nomination form and describe in 250 words or less, how your nominee goes above and beyond to help out in your community.